Are young writers and old writers just different ends on a continuum of age, or…
Month: March 2015
Though there are plenty of bestsellers out there written by people who want to share…
Mother’s Day hung over the house like an appointment for surgery. It was not marked…
Sue Goyette’s Quagmire The crux of the discussion so far about Sue Goyette’s Ocean has…
Fanfiction is popular on the Internet, sure, but does it belong in the classroom? Elizabeth…
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed You’re gonna have to serve somebody,…
As opposed to cellphone fiction, which is another story. Steve Himmer discusses the place of…
You may not have heard of the expression “continuation novel.” What it refers to is…
What was the greatest year ever for books? If that sounds like it’s just a parlour game…
Because we all have to face this brave new world: The rise of corporate capitalism,…