A poet finds poetry in his father’s shrinking world.
Author: CNQ Team
jaan / a pulse is everything except flesh & skin & bone / beyond four chambers / makes blood pump…
In 2011, Mark Medley wrote a piece for the National Post, where he was books editor at the time, called…
It’s exceedingly difficult to discuss Saleema Nawaz’s new work of fiction outside of the context in which it was published.
Selections From the Lost Library of CanLit Graphic Novels.
Recuperating Rupi Kaur.
The Canadian Künstlerroman, or artist novel, has a strange history, and Morgan Murray’s debut novel, Dirty Birds, skews that tradition even further.
Wrestling with William Hoffer’s ghost.
T’es icitte, là: A dream of language.
Arthur Mayse and the writing of “Perilous Passage.”